Year 6 Transition To Secondary Sessions

Year 6 transition to secondary support services

We can help make sure your post-SATs half term is purposeful through active, skills-based sessions on the transition between primary literacy and secondary English. These could be for mixed ability classes or personalised for smaller sets of lower, middle or higher achievers. These sessions would be predominantly literacy based but will incorporate a range of topics suitable for your learners’ needs and interests.

Shakespeare Masterclasses

Shakespeare masterclasses for primary students

As KS4 and KS5 teachers, Shakespeare is one of our passions! We can offer masterclasses in any Shakespeare text of your choice, providing your students with hands-on experience of Shakespeare’s plays through role play and drama activities as well as engaging with the language, themes and ideas. We can offer masterclasses across a period of time or as a half-day or full-day introduction to Shakespeare.

Gifted and Talented Booster Sessions

Gifted and talented booster sessions for english students

In order to stretch your most able students prior to SATs, booster sessions on reading and/or writing skills are a great way of challenging your students who are due to exceed the expected standard.